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How to Make Earrings,  Step-By-Step Tutorials

Got multiple piercings? This Chain Linked Double Piercing earring is for you…

completed earring 1

Multiple piercings are it right now! Do something cool with your double piercings, pretty them up with an earring made especially for them. This double piercing earring is made using some delicate chain and some charm connector stud earrings. You can even adapt this design for even more piercings and run that chain all the way up your ears!

You will need the following tools and materials to make these chain linked double pierced earrings:

1: Pliers. You will need your flat nose pliers and round nose pliers.

A pair of flat nose pliers

A pair of round nose pliers

2: Two charm connector stud earrings.

charm connector earrings

3: A piece of chain. The length depends on how far apart your piercings are and how long you want it to hang from your ear lobes.

piece of chain

4: One small head pin.

small head pin

5: Two small jump rings.

two small jump rings

6: A bead or beads of your choice. I used this small grey freshwater pearl bead.

pearl bead

Follow these steps to make yourself this cool double piercing earring:

1: Add the pearl bead to the small head pin.

adding bead to pin

2: Use the round nose pliers to curl the end of the head pin around the round nose pliers to form a loop. Keep curling the pin around the barrel of the pliers until the loop sits closely to the bead, securing it in place.

curling pin with round nose pliers

curled pin

completed charm

3: Set the bead charm aside and open one of the jump rings. Slide one of the earrings and one end of the chain onto the ring and then close it again using your pliers.

adding chain to jump ring

one earring attached

4: Repeat step 3 for the other earring, attaching the earring to the other end of the chain using the remaining jump ring. This time make sure you add your bead charm before closing the jump ring.

attaching other side

attaching charm

5: Once you have completed step 4 your double piercing earring is complete. Wear and enjoy!

completed earring 2

completed earring 1







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